The Attorneys of Legal Innovators | Tanisha Mitchell

Meet Tanisha!

Tanisha Mitchell is a graduate of the Howard University School of Law, and she joined Legal Innovators in 2020. Tanisha was placed with the legal department at Bechtel, where she works alongside the corporate legal team on projects and assignments in the engineering and construction industry. In 2023, Tanisha was hired by Bechtel as an in-house junior attorney. 

We caught up with Tanisha to hear more about her experiences during and since law school. She initially decided against participating in OCI or pursuing a corporate law career early on in law school, in large part because she was intimidated by those paths. By the time she became more open to pursuing opportunities and working in those spaces, she found there were very few ways to get her foot in the door. When she joined Legal Innovators, Tanisha found valuable mentorship, she was equipped with the tools to navigate the professional spaces that she used to find intimidating, and she was able to transition from law school to full-time legal practice successfully at Bechtel. 

Hear directly from Tanisha below: 

Hear more from our team members in our Faces of Legal Innovators series 

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